The modern state of Myanmar emerged on January 4, 1948. The territorial boundaries of Myanmar that were established upon independence remain largely unchanged today, with approximately 99 percent of the borders remaining the same.
However, the Myanmar of pre-1886 under Burmese monarchs differs significantly from post-1948 Myanmar. The intervening period
The Panglong Agreement is a landmark treaty in Myanmar's independence history. To achieve independence from the British, Myanmar signed three major agreements: the Aung San-Attlee Agreement, the Laykyar-Freeman Agreement, and the Nu-Attlee Agreement. However, before these independence agreements were signed, an historic conference was held in February 1947
It would be rare to find someone who appeared in just one film, became a famous movie star with that single performance, reached as far as Hollywood, and yet remained humble despite all that success. While such individuals are certainly possible, they are exceedingly rare. The fact that a Burmese
It would be rare to find someone who appeared in just one film, became a famous movie star with that single performance, reached as far as Hollywood, and yet remained humble despite all that success. While such individuals are certainly possible, they are exceedingly rare. The fact that a Burmese
The modern state of Myanmar emerged on January 4, 1948. The territorial boundaries of Myanmar that were established upon independence remain largely unchanged today, with approximately 99 percent of the borders remaining the same.
However, the Myanmar of pre-1886 under Burmese monarchs differs significantly from post-1948 Myanmar. The intervening period
The Panglong Agreement is a landmark treaty in Myanmar's independence history. To achieve independence from the British, Myanmar signed three major agreements: the Aung San-Attlee Agreement, the Laykyar-Freeman Agreement, and the Nu-Attlee Agreement. However, before these independence agreements were signed, an historic conference was held in February 1947
The Judson Chapel at Yangon University has been so famous that it has been featured in many songs. For example, in the song "They Know" by stereo singer Kaiser: "If only Judson could speak, he would tell... how much I loved, he knows best, my dearest."
In 1954, a historic aircraft hijacking took place in Myanmar that would be recorded as the first of its kind not only in the country but also in world history. This Hollywood action movie-like incident occurred in Myanmar just nine years after World War II. It is often referred to
It might seem strange to find people with tall statures, prominent noses, and blue eyes who look distinctly European, yet dress like Myanmar people, eat Myanmar food, live the Myanmar way, have Myanmar names, and speak Myanmar fluently as citizens of Myanmar.
Myanmar has 135 ethnic groups and freedom of
Whether in global or Myanmar politics, throughout history, positions and power have always been objects of desire. The wars and human casualties caused by the pursuit of power and positions are clearly evident in history.
In today's world, even for a position as modest as ward administrator, people
Among the wealthy Chinese businessmen in colonial Burma, Lim Chin Tsong, Chan Ma Phee, and Aw Boon Haw were well-known names. Their fame came from their established businesses and public philanthropy.
However, there was a unique businessman who stood out differently among the colonial political elite and Chinese, Indian, Karen,